In order to provide optimal protection, a bicycle helmet must fit correctly. scooter for 6 year old this also includes that the bicycle helmet does not press, but there are other important points. For the optimal fit, both the right bicycle helmet size and the right use are crucial. For example, the helmet must not be moved too much into the neck, as this leaves the forehead unprotected.
This should already be taken into account when measuring. To determine the head circumference, a simple tape measure can be used, which you simply put around your head. The optimal height for the measurement is 2.5 cm above the eyebrows in the area of the temples. If you put the tape measure there, you will get the best results.
Hint: If a bicycle helmet fits correctly, the head strap can be adjusted. Only then should the chin strap be closed. This must sit tightly.
How long does a bicycle helmet last?
When evaluating the price-performance ratio, not only the general safety of the helmet plays a role, but also the durability. If a helmet is damaged, it should always be replaced, as it can no longer be guaranteed that the head will be protected in the event of a fall. However, you have to keep in mind that even with normal use and without a fall, at some point a helmet is no longer safe. This is mainly due to the solar radiation and the weather, which weakens the material over time.
Here, however, we can reassure you. A bicycle helmet has a shelf life of up to five years, even when used daily. If the surface or the rigid foam of the bicycle helmet becomes porous or brittle, the helmet must be replaced immediately. You should regularly check the condition of the material after three years of use at the latest.
After a fall, a bicycle helmet does not have to be replaced in every case. If the helmet is not directly opened and therefore only got slight scratches, such a bicycle helmet can still be used. After a fall directly on the head, however, a bicycle helmet must always be replaced.
Is there already a bicycle helmet test from Stiftung Warentest?
When it comes to independent tests, portals such as Stiftung Warentest or Ökotest are number one in Germany. The last bicycle helmet test of Stiftung Warentest is in 2017. In it, 15 models were tested under difficult laboratory conditions. The bicycle helmets had to withstand more than when tested according to EU standards.
Bicycle helmets, which had no problems with testing according to the EU standard, also weakened in part under the harsh conditions that Stiftung Warentest placed on the products. best stakeboards trucks thus, it could be determined that the protection of the temples is partly a weak point. In addition, additional protection mechanisms such as special films could not provide any advantage.
Does the POC Omne AIR SPIN have a spectacle mount?
Yes, compared to other models, this bicycle helmet has a glasses holder. This provides additional comfort.
Is the ALPINA Adult Mythos 3.0 UV-resistant?
The ALPINA helmet is UV-stable. In addition, it is broken- and scratch-resistant and antistatic.
What helmet sizes are available on the Casco Active 2?
The adult Active 2 helmet by Casco is available in sizes S (52-56 cm), M (56-58 cm), and L (58 – 62 cm).
For whom is the HB13 bicycle helmet from Dunlop suitable?
The Dunlop bicycle helmet can be worn by men, women, and older children.
Is the sun visor removable on the Giro Fixture Unisex?
Buyer experiences with the bicycle helmet from Giro show that the front panel is clipped. It can be easily removed if necessary.