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Selling Your Car Tires and Batteries In The Scrapyard For Cash

Nearby Scrap yards are a great place to go to sell old car tires or used batteries. Whether you’re looking for cash or something to use as a trade-in, these places offer many benefits, so let’s take a look at how you can get the most out of them.

When To Sell Your Car Tire

When it comes to selling your car, tire and battery disposal is always an important factor to consider. Here are some tips on when to sell your car’s used tires and batteries: 

If you have less than 3,000 miles on your car tires, you can typically sell them in the scrapyard for cash. If you have more than 3,000 miles on your car tires, you should typically sell them through a dealership. 

Similarly, if your car battery is less than 3 years old and has fewer than 10,000 miles on it, you can usually sell it in the scrapyard for cash. Battery disposal beyond this lifespan may be more expensive through a dealership. 

How to Sell Used Car Batteries

Car batteries can be sold individually or in pairs. Tires can also be sold singly or in pairs. Before you start the selling process, make sure to gather all the necessary information about your car and its battery and tire components. Here are some tips on how to get started: 

1) Clean the vehicle thoroughly before selling it. Remove all debris, including mud, snow, leaves, and tarps. Wash the exterior and interior surfaces with a hose or a bucket of water. Use a degreaser if necessary. Scrub down any rust or corrosion with a brush. 

2) Check the electrical system. Make sure all lights work, including headlights and taillights. Test all fuses and bulbs. If there are any problems with the electrical system, fix them before selling the car. 

3) Verify that the car is road-worthy. Check fluid levels, brakes, steering, and other mechanical systems. Inspect the tires for bald spots or cracks that could lead to accidents. 

4) Mark down any important information about the car. Include the mileage and the odometer reading, and note whether or not there is any current maintenance. 

5) Offer reasonable terms for payment, and insist that the buyer sign an agreement that acknowledges his obligations under the contract.

What Are The Benefits Of Selling Your Car Batteries?

The benefits of selling your car batteries are many. Not only do you get money for your batteries, but you also get rid of them quickly and easily. Car batteries can be a nuisance to have and take up space, so selling them is a great way to get rid of them and make some extra cash. Plus, if you have any old car batteries that are no longer usable, selling them can help you get money for those as well.

Legal Requirements for Selling Used Tires or Car Batteries

When it comes to selling used tires or car batteries, you’ll need to be aware of a few legal requirements. First and foremost, you’ll need to ensure that the tires or batteries are properly disposed of. This means that you must either recycle them or place them in a designated landfill. Second, you’ll need to make sure that the sale is conducted safely and legally.

This means that you should always take precautions such as verifying the identity of the buyer, conducting a physical inspection of the vehicle, and ensuring that the sale is conducted in a public area. Finally, you’ll need to follow any applicable state or local laws when selling used tires or car batteries.


Scrapyards are a great place to find buyers who are looking for used automotive parts, and there is usually a good deal of interest in tires and batteries. Plus, it’s an easy way to make some extra money.

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